Van rental in Kuopio | Jyväskylä | Lappeenranta

UpGo offers you a fully domestic quality car and van rental service with large selection of vehicles. Our fleet includes minibuses, vans, and trucks.

We offer pickups from our agencies

Kuopio Naulakatu 2, 70800 Kuopio
Jyväskylä Kirrintie 2, 40270 Jyväskylä
Lappeenranta Simolantie 16, 53600 Lappeenranta

Check our vans here

So, make your booking today and get ready to hit the road as soon as you arrive! Whether you are looking for a rental van, UpGo will be happy to serve you at its van rental stations in Kuopio, Jyväskylä and Lappeenranta.

Book a van our calender here

Rent van in Kuopio

Terms and conditions of lease

1. Parties of the agreement

These terms will be applied between the renter and the rental company:, Wise Invest Group Oy, Kisällinkatu 8, 70780 Kuopio, Y: 2834904-4

2. Terms of taking and returning the car

a) The rental company will give the car to the client in full working order at the time and place that has been agreed. If the client cannot get the car at his disposal because of an error made by the rental company, the rentrr is justified to have a sufficient discount

b) The client commits to take the ca at the time and place as agreed at the point of making the reservation. Renter must return the vehicle as agreed before the lease, on time. If the renter is late and has not made an agreement with an representative of the rental company, he/she has to pay a 150€ fee for the inconvenience to the leaser and the next client. The car keys will always have to be returned either to an represantative of the leaser or in a locked container upon agreement.

c) If the client does not return the car and no agreement has been made for extending the lease, the matter will be reported to the police

d) If the leaser suspects that the client is not capable of fulfilling all of the terms and conditions of the contract, it has full right to not lease the car to the renter. The vehicle will not be given for lease if the client does not have valid drivers licence.

3. Duration of lease

a) The rental hours start at the moment when the renter acquires the vehicle and ends at a time agreed before the lease. If the client returns the vehicle before the agreed ending of the lease, the remaining time of the lease will not be refunded.

b) If the client is not on time to acquire the vehicle the lease may have to be rescheduled to a later time upon common agreement.

c) If the renter wants to extend the duration of the lease during the journey, it has to be agreed with the rental company and it will be handled as a new lease as what comes to the pricing.

4. Use of the vehicle

a) The customer is responsible of taking care of the vehicle as carefully as possible to avoid any damage or wear to the car.

b) The customer commits to be the only driver for the vehicle, any additional drivers have to be agreed before the lease and the drivers need to have an valid drivers license and a fee of 10€ per driver will have to be paid.

c) Using the vehicle in any illegal activities, racing or off road driving is strictly forbidden.

d) The car must be locked at all times when stopped, even if the stop is short

e) The client is obliged to check and photograph the car’s damages and current condition before and after the rental to avoid any conflict if the car is damaged

d) Smoking in the vehicle is strictly forbidden. if this rule is violated, the client has to pay a fee of 200€

5. Limitations of use

It is also forbidden to take the car across country borders without a contract with the rental company

6. Clients responsibility in case of accident

a) In case of an accident that has happened because of the clients actions, the client has to reimburse the rental company of all damages that have occurred and also the down time of the car for the repairs. The rental company will bill the client for a maximum amount of 1600€. Lowering the maximum fee to 800€ per damage is possible for a fee or 20€ before the rental time has begun

b) If the client damages also an another vehicle the rental company will bill the client for the repairs of the damaged vehicle/vehicles and all expenses caused by the accident. The maximum amount of the deductible is 1600€ if it has not been lowered to 800€, these terms are applied no matter the insurance policy

c) The rental company is not required to fix the damages that have occurred to the vehicle even if they have been billed from the client.

d) The client is responsible for the use of the car when it has been leased, all the possible speeding tickets and parking tickets need to be informed to the rental company at the end of lease. If the client fails to pay these fees, the rental company will inform the local officers/police the clients name, telephone number, address and social security number. If the rental company has to collect the payment from the client in full, the leaser will be reimbursed 50€ for handling fees.

e) The client is responsible of the cars cleanliness and if the car is exceptionally dirty or something has been spilled in the vehicle the cleaning costs will be billed from the client with handling fees.

f) If the client fails to return any rented extras for example the hand truck or the load straps the rental company will have to pay 50€. If the client returns the items in 3 days, the rental company will return the paid 50€ in 7 days to a mutually agreed bank account
If the damages and fees to the rental company are caused of irresponsibility of the client, driving the vehicle under influence of drugs or alcohol or other substance, using the vehicle in activities mentioned in part 4 or the renter has violated the terms of this contract, all damages to the company will have to paid in full amount to the rental company. The renter is released from responsibility to reimbursement if the rental company gets full reimbursement from the insurance company or the party responsible of the damages with no additional fees.

7. Lost items

The rental company is not responsible of any items or valuables left in the vehicle.

8. Fueling the vehicle

The client can either fuel the vehicle just before returning or pay a fueling service fee for the rental company. When using the fueling service, it has to be mutually agreed before or during the rental time. If the client fuels the vehicle himself, he/she must show a receipt of the fueling when returning the vehicle. The vehicles fuel consumption is approximately 10 liters / 100 km depending on the speed/use of the vehicle. In a case that customer has caused damage to the vehicle by fueling it with wrong fuel or neglecting the warning and stop lights of the car, or has noticed a fault and kept using the vehicle without a permission of customer service, the customer is responsible of paying the full amount of inflicted damage to the car.

9. Accidents

a) In any case of car theft or accident, the client has to inform the rental company immediately.

b) In case of traffic accident the client is responsible of reporting the insurance company with details of the accident and inform the rental company immediately when the inconvenience concurs. If the party guilty to the accident is unclear, the client must contact the police immediately (tel. 112)

c) If any technical problems incur, the renter must immediately contact the rental company which is not responsible in reimbursing the client of the interruption of the journey.

10. Payments

a) Payment options accepted by the rental company are finnish and european bank cards, Visa Debit/Credit/Electron, Maestro, JCB, MasterCard cards and .

b) The rental company can bill the excess of 1600€/800€ before leasing the vehicle and can use the excess to cover any undisputed damages or costs to the rental company.

c) Only one coupon or offer can be applied to a single lease.

11. Making the reservation

All reservations must be made either online on the website www.kuopionpakut.fi or by telephone (010 419 9850). The client will receive an confirmation of the reservation by e-mail and sms. The client can cancel the reservation by a phone call no less than 6 hours before the start of the lease.

12. VAT

All prices in the terms & agreements, the front page and the website include VAT



Uusi auto ja mukava henkilökunta, joka auttoi tarvittaessa. Muutto sujui hienosti UpGon ansiosta, suosittelen!


Kohtuuhinnalla uusi pakettiauto alle helpolla nettivarauksella.
Hyvä sijainti, pakun sai kätevästi tankattua palautuksen yhteydessä.


Hyvä asiakaspalvelu, auton nouto ja palautus hyvällä sijainnilla ja edullinen vuokrahinta. Auto siisti ja muutenki priimaluokkaa. Olipa mahtavata tehdä muutto. Kiitoksia!

Miksi UpGo?

Uudehkot ja turvalliset autot
Ei piilokuluja
24/7 tiepalveluturva
Henkilökunta aina asiakasta vastassa

Lähetä sähköpostia info@kuopionpakut.fi | Asiakaspalvelu klo 8-16 010 419 9850

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme ›